So I’ve been back home for ten days now, and to be honest, I’m finding it quite hard to adjust to the energy of my home. It feels like I have been ripped out of heaven .The energy in Abadiania this time was so powerful, but life goes on and I have to be positive. I have so much to be grateful for; my health, my healing, meeting Ralf and all the other wonderful people I met on my trip; my friends, my family. My life is good, and it amazes me to think how things were two years ago. I was an inch from death, but I never realised it at the time.

To be honest, trying to find the time and energy to focus on my coaching business is really difficult, but maybe I should just give myself a break, and relax. Everything will unfold in due course, however I don’t want to become lazy, which I can do very easily.

I had a psychic reading last week, and he told me that I am living my destiny, which is comforting to know. I knew this in my heart anyway, but to hear it from a reputable psychic is good. So anyway, I have so many ideas about my coaching business, and who will be my target market. I have chosen to be really brave and authentic and aim my business at the gay market, and hiv; I mean, I am an expert in both these areas. I know what it’s like to destroy myself, and place my attention in dark places. I know what it’s like trying to be someone I’m not, and I know how lonely life can be when there’s no love in it. And through my illness, and my recovery, I know what it’s like to break through that half inch of fear, live in possibility and walk in hope.