So, today is my last day in Abadiania. I leave in a few hours, so I’ve said goodbye to the Casa, though I’m sure I’m taking a small piece of it with me. It just occurred to me that I haven’t taken any photos of anything here, but next time I will bring my camera and post some pictures so you can get a visual representation of what life is like here.

I can honestly say that life is surprising, and no matter what you consciously think you’re planning or what you feel you want, something or someone will show you that nothing is definite, and that life is a journey to be enjoyed, and respected. My time here is coming to an end, for this year at least, but I am taking home a feeling of love, and respect, and a greater sense of self-worth.

Now, it’s time to get back into a business frame of mind and start developing my Life Coaching business. I can’t wait, but I just hope that my adjustment time back at home isn’t turbulent. It has been in the past, but this is a new experience, and I am happy and alive. HIV really is the best thing that has happened to me. It has brought many lessons, and many blessings, and for this I will be eternally grateful. Of course, I created it all myself, and I accept that.

bye for now!